Listen to Some of My Poems on Soundcloud
Hearing a poem is often stronger and more enjoyable than reading one. I’ve placed audio files of me reading eight of my poems on Soundcloud. Enjoy these.

Pick an opening line:
- “When spring began to breed mosquitos…” Listen (“DDT
(Or, a psalm to dichloro-diphenyl tri-chloroethane)”‘ - “Jim writes, ‘I feel like the designated scribe of the apocalypse…” Listen (“Bat Houses”)
- “Mame, du host fayer gemakht…” (“Mama, you made fire…”) Listen (“Mama” By Razjel Zychlinsky, read by Michael Jackman in Yiddish and English)
- “They kicked them off the field, the Yeshiva boys…” Listen (“Yeshiva Students Kicked off Baseball Field, Forest Park, Queens, Circa 1981”)
- “I was playing war with little men of plastic…” Listen (“Blackout”)
- “His Grace, Duke Gonzaga, exempted Salomone Rossi Hebreo…” Listen (“Mantua, 1606”)
- “There are some rotting joists in the crawlspace…” Listen (“Letter from Spickert Knob;” Runner-up, Raynes Poetry Prize)
- “How the rain, any rain, and the sun…” Listen (“How the rain”)
If you enjoyed listening to my poems on Soundcloud, you might like to hear some of my music as well. I suggest my cover of “Colours” by Donovan.